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Showing 1-12 of 12 items.
QuestionStatusUserCreatedLast AnswerTotal Answers

How do I relate a person (for ex: Marriage of one relative to other...)?

In this case, I have added a son of grand father. This person has got married to his own sister's daughter. When I am using the same, it is adding another profile rather than connecting.

OpenSekar Subramaniyan09 Sep 2018-- -- ----0View

how to share family tree?

OpenANAND PAREY19 Mar 2018-- -- ----0View

What is difference between Gotra & pravara?

OpenRajesh Tiwari22 Feb 2018-- -- ----0View

What does it mean to be a Dalit in modern India?

OpenAbhishek Pandey05 Jan 2018-- -- ----0View

How the gotras of Sri Krsna and Pandavas can be different?

OpenKalyani Pandey17 Jun 201717 Jun 20173View

What must everyone know about the history of Uttarakhand, India?

OpenKalyani Pandey17 Jun 201717 Jun 20171View

I came across a member on another forum claiming that he was a Kshatriya from the Kaushika gotra.I was wondering how is that even possible.I mean,Kaushika is a Brahmin gotra as far as I know.How can Kshatriyas claim their lineage from Brahmin gotras?As far as I know,Kshatriyas have their own vamshas or lineages.According to the tradition,there are two main Kshatriya vamshas viz the Aikshvakas or Suryavamsha and Aila or Chandravmsha.The other minor lineages like Agnivamsha and Nagavamsha etc are of later origin. So,I don't understand how Kshatryas can claim decent from Brahmin lineages,can anyone enlighten me on this issue?

OpenKalyani Pandey16 Jun 201716 Jun 20173View

Difference between Gotra and pravara?

OpenKalyani Pandey16 Jun 201716 Jun 20171View

Is it possible to get information on bhardwaj gotra? Trying to trace my roots. 

OpenSupriya Kavi25 May 2017-- -- ----0View

How can I change the color of member in tree in black?

OpenAbhishek Pandey16 May 201726 May 20173View

how do i invite a member and how does he join?

OpenAkshaykumar Pillai15 May 201716 May 20171View


OpenBogdan Kulinich30 Apr 201730 Apr 20171View